Like the opening scene of a Hallmark movie, the season's first snowfall graced Weston during the first annual Wassailing Market. The dedicated efforts of Keira Jones and her crew gifted the community with a festive holiday event that featured a variety of artisans, musicians and chefs. Patrons enjoyed delicious food, expertly crafted items, the character touch of St. Nick and his bride, and much more.
The event, held at the Historic Weston Orchard & Winery on November 29 and 30, highlighted every meaning of the word ‘wassail.’ While wassail is a spiced ale or mulled wine drink sung about in Madrigal performances, it is also a celebration. As Jo Thomas explained at the Market as she told stories to visitors, the word ‘wassail’ is about singing, being merry and wishing health to others. “So we are singing and wishing good things to this orchard and everything and everyone here,” she said.
The weather provided the perfect amount of winter chill as people bustled around. It took a village to fill the air with nostalgic music and aromatic scents. Among the singers were Jeremy McNew and the Little Theater of Weston. Food was provided by Wild Cactex, Hayley's Eatery, CR BBQ and Catering, Noah’s Delicatessen, and Gentry’s. If they didn’t fill you up, the Orchard delighted guests with their famous cider donuts and wassail.
Winter is a magical time in Weston. It truly transforms into a snow globe and a Hallmark movie. In case visitors are wondering, yes, the people are as wonderful as you would imagine. The places are more charismatic than any in the Kansas City metropolitan area. If you ever doubt, all you need to do is visit. Any time. Any place.
A very special thanks to all who made the Wassailing Market possible.
A very merry and happy holiday season to you all.
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